It's that time again, folks. Time for another Daily Universe caption contest*!
"To enter, submit your caption by e-mail to du.letters@gmail.com
or in person at the BYU Daily Universe office, 152 BRMB.
All submissions must include the caption writer’s name, home
town and e-mail address. Entries must be received by midnight
of the Sunday following the Tuesday on which a new captionless
cartoon is published. Any received after the deadline will not be
The writer of the winning caption will be notified via e-mail and
awarded their choice of candy bar or healthy snack."
You can also give your ideas as a comment to this blog post.
*Located on page 3 of the February 9 edition.
"Hey man, did you see that card check thingy from the SFPU posted next to the time clock? I don't know bout you, but my feathers are dragging....I need a break, ya know? I'm flying, none-stop these days and have had to even pick up the red-eye! If the Service of Flying Pigs Union can do my bidding and get me a 8 hr. schedule...then I sign me up...cuz at this rate of demand, between flying in the sun & aerobic energy ...my bacon is gonna end up cooked!"