Sarah Palin was trying to tweet about the "ground zero mosque." If you read my article last week, you already know how I feel about that. But then, Palin set herself up for some good ol' fashioned ridicule.
Here are Sarah Palin's tweets that started all the jokes:
Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real
11:58 AM Jul 18th via Twitter for BlackBerry
Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate
12:52 PM Jul 18th via Twitter for BlackBerry
Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing
12:57 PM Jul 18th via Twitter for BlackBerry
Then, somebody must have told her that "refudiate" was not actually a word. Here's how she handled it:
"Refudiate," "misunderestimate," "wee-wee'd up." English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!
2:38 PM Jul 18th via web
So, by comparing herself to Shakespeare, Sarah Palin once again kept herself in the late night monologues. My cartoon basically drew itself.
(If you go to Sarah Palin's Twitter page to try and look up these tweets yourself, you won't be able to. She deleted some of her Twittering, apparently. Here's where I found out what the tweets were originally.)
Here are some sources for you if you feel like laughing at this latest Palin act:
- ShakesPalin: A Twitter account (similar to BPGlobalPR) that shares Shakespeare quotes that have been "Palinized." Hilarious.
Here are a few examples:You cannot, GOP, take from me any thing that I will more willingly part withal: except my clothes, and my shoes don'tcha know #shakespalin @talkingdogsam #Bristol, honey, get thee to a nunn'ry, why woulds't thou be a breeder of sinners? Oh shoot, too late! #shakespalin @shakespalin
If thou dost marry, Bristol, I'll give thee this plaque for thy dowry: Look. It's your US Weekly cover. #shakespalin
Policy? I cannot Make you a wholesome answer;my wit's diseased:but, Katie, such answer as I can make, I'm a Maverick in there #shakespalin
And, here's a video from Jimmy Kimmel pointing out this isn't the first time Sarah Palin has thought "refudiate" was a word. (He also has an interesting idea for how to handle the "ground zero mosque.")
A BYU student sent in a viewpoint that was actually a response to my "Sugarcoating oil" article from earlier this month. I didn't publish it as a response, since my article was two weeks ago. But I still thought it was interesting enough to put in.
Objective or descriptive?
(In his opening paragraph, he said the "Sugarcoating oil" article was written by "J.J. Abrams." And later in the same paragraph he called me "Mr. Abrams" again. I thought that was pretty funny. Someone in the newsroom pointed out that it's a compliment, J.J. Abrams is a good writer, haha.)
And then there were some very interesting letters to the editor today, more than usual during the spring and summer season:
Parking for faculty (a response to this letter* from Tuesday)
Diversity is great
No 'celestial sandwiches' allowed (a response to the enormously popular "Study like a scholar, scholar" viral video)
Thanks for the honesty
Family in more danger than earth
And, perhaps the coolest thing of all: a quick note from the editor (me).
"Editor’s Note:
"In Tuesday’s 'J Squared' column, I wrote
about my bike, as well as about it being stolen
"The same day the column was published, I
was amazed to find my bike lying in the lawn in
front of my apartment.
"I don’t know if whoever took my bike read the
article or if it was simply a coincidence that my
bike was returned the same day. But either way,
I am very grateful to have my bike again. Thank
you so much for bringing it back to me."
* Go to page 3.
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