Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Better Half

I couldn't get too far in a report of my life in 2009 without mentioning La Morochita Maravillosa herself: Erin Wake.

I'm going to try and go about this in a manner that balances objective information, outright bragging and mushiness.

I met Erin about four months ago. I visited her apartment as part of the classic weekly BYU tradition of "F.H.E.," otherwise (and preferrably) known as "family home evening." ("Families" in the BYU single scene sense consists of young men and women looking for a springboard for launching their social lives for the school year.) Even though a BYU F.H.E. group can be pretty good at the whole social thing, Erin was especially noteworthy. She and I just hit it off right away. Via Facebook and some urgent text messaging, fifteen hours later I was watching the university devotional (another, perhaps more wholesome, BYU tradition) with her. And I've seen Erin pretty much every day ever since.

Erin Wake is 20 years old and calls Texas home. She has two younger brothers. She's a junior and is preparing to enter the elementary education program. She loves kids and babies, sign language, estrogen-packed movies, hash browns, Wicked, and her family, to name a few. She memorized the Gettysburg Address at age six and is often heard to exclaim phrases such as "Nuts!" or "Holy moley!" She lives and loves the gospel like there's nothin' to it. She makes me laugh harder than anyone else I've ever known. I can talk to her about anything. She's one thing in life that always goes right and never causes stress. On a number of occasions we say exactly what the other is literally about to say. She's cheesy romantic, with notes and surprises and everything. Plus, she's beautiful.

Stay tuned for further developments.

(The picture is from my V.I.P. tour provided by Erin of her high school in Tomball, TX. I spent half of Christmas break with her family. I had so much fun.)

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Blogosphere Round 2's the deal.

I started my first blog last June. What finally motivated me to catch up with the year 1997 was my efforts to enter the BYU animation program. Other animators I knew used blogs as a place to showcase their talents and generate buzz. Also, if I knew an audience was counting on me to update my blog regularly, it would impel me to keep up with the sketches.

Well, plans have changed.

After being denied the animation program twice, I embarked on attempt number three but not whole-heartedly. Only three-quarter-heartedly. Almost all the fun had been sucked out of it, and it was turning more into a chore than a hobby. Instead of waiting around for another verdict, I switched majors. I switched to communications. It's a broader, more practical field. And it might turn out to be more fun anyway.

One problem: whatever shall I do with my animation blog?

After months of indecision, I am abandoning the animation blog and delving even deeper into the grand blogosphere. This new endeavor will be a more general blog. I suppose it has potential to be more interesting.

So, welcome, and enjoy.
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